sprintf trong javascript (giống keyword sprintf trong PHP)
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đặt khối lệnh sau trong thẻ khai báo thực thi ngôn ngữ javascript
var stringURL = "Hay click vao day de tiep tuc";
chú ý:
var hrefLInk = "http://webdesignviet.worddpress.com";
var formatStringURL = sprintf(stringURL, hrefLInk );
//ouput "Hay click vao day de tiep tuc"
3/ Một vài kiểu dữ liệu
% — print a literal “%” character
b — print an integer as a binary number
c — print an integer as the character with that ASCII value
d — print an integer as a signed decimal number
e — print a float as scientific notation
u — print an integer as an unsigned decimal number
f — print a float as is
o — print an integer as an octal number
s — print a string as is
x — print an integer as a hexadecimal number (lower-case)
X — print an integer as a hexadecimal number (upper-case)
b — print an integer as a binary number
c — print an integer as the character with that ASCII value
d — print an integer as a signed decimal number
e — print a float as scientific notation
u — print an integer as an unsigned decimal number
f — print a float as is
o — print an integer as an octal number
s — print a string as is
x — print an integer as a hexadecimal number (lower-case)
X — print an integer as a hexadecimal number (upper-case)
Tham khảo nguần: http://www.diveintojavascript.com/projects/javascript-sprintf
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